10th Grade

Week 10

Rio Grande

The Rio Grande Although not the longest river in America, the Rio Grande is one of the most important. But, unlike other significant rivers, it is not used for shipping. In fact, oceangoing ships cannot navigate the waters. No, what makes the Rio Grande so important is its location. Since 1846, it has been the official border of Texas and Mexico.

Rio Grande Geography

The Rio Grande is either the fourth or fifth longest river system in North America. It all depends on how it is measured. Because the river twists so much, it occasionally changes course. And these course shifts can cause it to be longer or shorter. At its last official measure, the Rio Grande clocked in at 1,896 miles. The river starts in Colorado and extends downward to the Gulf of Mexico. Downward is the best way of describing it too. Not only does the river extend south, but it also starts in the mountains and gets lower and lower in elevation as it extends to the Gulf. Its name is Spanish for the “Big River,” but the Rio Grande is actually known as Rio Bravo in Mexico. “Bravo” translates as “furious,” so the name makes sense. Because of its twists and turns, it certainly does seem to be angrier than most rivers!

The Rio Grande Today

The Rio Grande today is mostly used as a source of drinking water. Sadly, much of the water has been drained from the river. Parts of the river are almost dry! This is because people use more water from the river than the river can get back from rain and other sources. Experts are working to correct this, though, with hopes of restoring the river to its past strength. Today, the river is important as a source of water for Texans and Mexicans. More important, it is a symbol of cooperation between two nations. Though borders like the Rio Grande separate nations, they are also shared spaces. The Rio Grande is therefore a symbol of friendship and peace between two peoples.

1) According to the passage, why is the Rio Grande so important?

A. It is a source of drinking water for most of the United States.

B. It is the border of Texas and Mexico.

C. It is the longest river system in the United States.

D. It is known by two different names.

2) In paragraph 2, the author most likely writes that “downward is the best way of describing it too” to

A. prove that the Rio Grande’s water levels have gone down recently

B. argue that the Rio Grande has changed shape over the years

C. highlight the fact that the Rio Grande flows south and from high elevations

D. explain why the Rio Grande is known as the Rio Bravo down in Mexico

3) Based on its use in paragraph 3, the word furious most nearly means

A. angry

B. large

C. twisted

D. dry

4) According to the passage, the Rio Grande has endpoints in

A. Texas and the Gulf of Mexico

B. New Mexico and Colorado

C. Texas and Mexico

D. Colorado and the Gulf of Mexico

Recuperación-third term

Fecha de entrega y sustentación: No se recibirán actividades después esta fecha.

10°1: Lunes, 31 de agosto

10°2: Martes, 1 de septiembre

10°3: Lunes, 31 de agosto

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Week 9


August 24, 2015


Personal subject = who does the action. 

  • She is beautiful.
  • They live in London. 

Object pronouns = who receives the action.

  • I love her.
  • He ate with us yesterday.

Adjective pronouns = it goes before a possession.

  • Our house is big.
  • My name is Lucy. His name is Jared.

Possessive pronouns = it is used to refer to a possession aforementioned

  • That book is mine.
  • That's my shirt, this is yours.

Explanation (20 minutes)

practice (30 minutes)

Assessment (10 minutes)


Week 8

You should take an umbrella in case it rains

August 18th, 2015

Should is used to give advice or to give an opinion.

i.e. You look tired. you should go to bed.

You should take an umbrella in case it rains.

it was a great party. you should have come.

you shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate

Should I visit my uncle Louis?

Explanation (15 minutes)

practice (40 minutes)

1. Write in paper sheet what's the problem in every image.

2. Match the problem with the advice.


a. Take some aspirins.

b. Go to bed and rest.

c. Put some ointment on it.

d. See the dentist.

e. Drink lot of liquids.

f. Take some vitamin C.

g. Put it under cold water.

h. Put heating pad on it.

i. See the doctor.


3. According to your match write sentences using "should".


i.e. When you have toothache you should go to the dentist and you shouldn't eat any candies 


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Week 7

Have to  and must

August 10th, 2015

We can use must or have to to express a strong obligation or something that is necesary to do.


Must is use to talk about present and future.

i.e: I must get to the store before it closes.

This medicine must be taken with food.


Have to is use to talk about present, past and future.

i.e: I have to work now

we didn't have to pay to park the car.

Mustn't and don't/doesn't have to are completely different in meaning:

I promised i would be on time. I mustn't be late. (it is necessary that I not do it)

You dont have to tell him (but you can if you want).

Explanation (20 minutes)

Practice #1 (40 minutes)

must and have to
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Practice #2 Answer the questions in small groups.

  1. who does what in your house?
  2. what do you have to do?
  3. what don't you have to do?
  4. when you were 8, what did you have to do at home?
  5. when did you learn to tie shoelaces, ironing, brush your teeth, clean the house, go to school by yourself?

Assessment (15 minutes)

Week 6

Have you ever seen a UFO?

August 3rd, 2015


We use present perfect to talk about something that has happened at least once in life.

Click here to find a list of verbs


i.e: I have been in Paris

      She has not eaten lobster

      Have you ever been in love?


Explanation (20 minutes)

Practice (30  minutes) Make at least 5 questions to your partners

Assessment (30 minutes)

Week 5

What will you be when you grow up?


July 27th, 2015 



Simple future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to".

We use "will" to make decisions, to state a fact about the future, to make a promise or a prediction.


i.e.You're parents will be angry. You haven't got home yet. (it's a prediction)


We use "be going to" to talk about future events that have been planned before the time of speaking, to make predictions based on facts.


i.e.  I'm going to meet Sarah at 6:00 (it's an event planned before the time of speaking)


Explanation (20 minutes) 


Practice (30 minutes)

Simple future-Practice
Documento Microsoft Word 4.0 MB

Assessment (40 minutes)

Write the exercises in a piece of paper and answer

Simple future-Assessment
will-be going to.docx
Documento Microsoft Word 4.2 MB





 Time to sing!



Activity #1: what's the singer asking?

                  what's the singer like?

                  what's the father-in-law like?

Activity #2fill gaps 

Activity #3: Suggest some songs for us!


Comentarios: 19
  • #19

    David F 10º3 (domingo, 23 agosto 2015 18:35)

    Hola profesora estas canciones me gustaría recomendar para ingles:
    Three days grace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL2ZwXj1tXM
    Three days grace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ekz_CSBVg
    Linkin park: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVTXPUF4Oz4

  • #18

    Estefania (martes, 18 agosto 2015 19:03)

    All I Ever Wanted - Basshunter

  • #17

    Cristian Zapata (martes, 18 agosto 2015 10:08)

    Hola profe!! Profe cantemos Firework de Katy Perry o un temazo esos de Ariana Grande, o tambien podemos cantar una de Adele, que sea como Rolling in the deep o Someone like you o I set fire to the rain, gracias teacher!! Pero agale profe, cantemos la siguiente una de esas, vea que yo le escribi primero

    Con cariño

  • #16

    luisa hoyos 10-1 (miércoles, 12 agosto 2015 10:06)

    I Recommend:
    my same ( adele)

    turning tables(adele)
    hero(enrique iglesias)

  • #15

    Angy Daniela Dávila 10-2 (miércoles, 05 agosto 2015 20:10)



  • #14

    Karen Loaiza Giraldo 10°2 (martes, 04 agosto 2015 06:56)

    Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
    Nickelback - Lullaby
    Slipknot - Snuff
    Capital Cities - Safe And Sound

  • #13

    laura melissa montoya 10*2 (martes, 04 agosto 2015 06:55)

    dynamite taio cruz

  • #12

    huber esleider mejia montiel (martes, 04 agosto 2015 06:49)

    no way no 10-2

  • #11

    Manuela Mena 10.2 (martes, 04 agosto 2015 06:48)

    Heart attack-demi lovato

  • #10

    Juan Diego Mejia (martes, 04 agosto 2015 06:44)


  • #9

    German Santa 10*2 (lunes, 03 agosto 2015 20:03)

    Say Something.. this song is good

  • #8

    Fernando Henao 10°1 (lunes, 03 agosto 2015 13:46)

    Activity #1
    -what's the singer asking?
    The singer ask if he can marry his daugther.

    -what's the singer like?
    the will is asking the father if they can marry and live together with her daughter

    -what's the father-in-law like?
    °He is Posessive. °He is old fashioned. °He is jealous.

    3.I Recommend: Rolling In The Deep-Adele.

  • #7

    mateo arcila osorio (lunes, 03 agosto 2015 07:20)

    marry the daughter and father in law be so rude

    song: we are the champions , Freddy Mercury

  • #6

    manuela pelaez henao (jueves, 30 julio 2015 18:12)


  • #5

    huber esleider mejia montiel (jueves, 30 julio 2015 16:17)

    magic, No Way No

  • #4

    huber esleider mejia montiel (jueves, 30 julio 2015 16:04)


  • #3

    Nelis Isabel Guzman Riales 10°1 (miércoles, 29 julio 2015 20:47)

    a)what's the singer asking?
    the singer tells his father-in-law that he wants to marry his daughter because she is the love of his life.
    b)what's the singer like?
    the singer wanted to marry the love of life of father-in-law
    c) what's the father-in-law like?
    I recommend winds of change of scorpio
    the father-in-law is rude and old fashioned
    3)Suggest some songs for us!

  • #2

    yaneri perez fernadez (miércoles, 29 julio 2015 17:15)


  • #1

    Brayan Estrada Posada 10°1 (miércoles, 29 julio 2015 14:53)

    Activity #1:
    a). What's the singer asking?
    The singer asking if he can marry with his daughter? and, Why he got to be so rude?
    b). What's the singer like?
    The singer like have to his daughter for the rest of his life and, want not mistreat
    c). What's the father-in-law like?
    The Father-in-law like want his daugther marry with he
    Activity #3: Suggest some songs for us!
    i suggest the song Dynamite by Taio Cruz

Week 4 (Review)

Present Continuous

July 21st, 2015.

We use present continuous tense to talk about actions and things that are happening NOW.


We always use the verb TO BE.


Example:  Chenzo is sleeping right now. 


Explanation (10 minutes)


Practice (15 minutes)

What are they doing? Write sentences describing every image.

Reading Comprehension

July 21st, 2015.


Activity # 1:  Read aloud


Activity # 2: Answer the questions


  • What did Death give to each brothers
  • Why was not Death able to find the third brother.

Activity # 3: Bold at least 10 verbs that are in simple past.


Activity # 4: Write a definition in English for the following words: twilight, bridge, wand, stone, cloak.


Week 3 (Review)

Simple Past

July 13th, 2015


What did you do last night?


We use it to talk about a fact that happened in the past and has already finished.



Explanation (20 minutes)


Practice (30 minutes) 


Assessment (30 minutes)



1. Read what Debbie says about a typical working day:


I usually get up at 7:00 and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me about half an hour. I start at 8:45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5:00. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually make dinner at 9:00. I don't usually go out. I go to bed about 11:00. I always sleep well.


Yesterday was a typical day for Debbie. Write in your notebook what she did or didn't do yesterday.


2. Read what Lucy says about a typical day:


I wake up at 7am every morning.
I press the snooze button five times every morning before I turn off the alarm and get up.
I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper while I have breakfast. My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast but I like to have a shower before I get dressed.
My husband brushes his hair, and I comb my hair. I brush your teeth, but I never make up.
After I have finished work, I go home to cook dinner. In my house I usually make dinner. The family eat dinner together at 7:30pm.
After dinner I make sure that my children do their homework, and then I chill out on the sofa and watch television.
On television I usually watch the News. My husband take the rubbish out, or wash the dishes.


Yesterday was a typical day for Lucy. Write in your notebook what she did or didn't do yesterday.



Week 2 (review)

Simple Present

July 6th, 2015.


What do you usually do on weekend?

We use simple present to talk about things in general. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly.


Explanation (20 minutes)

Practice (30 minutes) 

Affirmative sentences 

Negative sentences

interrogative sentences


Assessment (30 minutes)





Cindy Johanna Ortiz Moreno

English-French-Spanish translator

English Teacher

